Magic has a long and varied history and has captivated and enthralled people for over 2,500 years. The first recorded magic act was by the magician Dedi who performed his tricks in Ancient Egypt in 2,700 B.C. He is credited with the first cups and balls magic trick. This cleaning paste is no trick! It's an all natural cleaning product that not only works but uses NO elbow grease? I present to you...drum roll, my Magickal Cleaning Paste! It’s fabulous! Cleans your oven, glass oven door, shower, loo, sink, bath, kitchen bench. The works! You need a tiny bit, wipe on and wipe off. True! This comes in 120g refillable (swap n’ go) glass jars and are $7.50 per jar. Available in lemon, eucalyptus, lemon, lime. It’s magick! Will revolutionise your cleaning! True! 😉

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Magick Cleaning Paste Scents: *

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What they say:

Your cleaning paste is fantastic! I'm hooked E.A Qld

I used your cleaner on my saucepans, it even got the burnt bottom clean! R.N NSW

We need more cleaning paste. The cleaners love using and it's the best thing we have found for our white concrete floor too! C.A NSW

I used your cleaning paste on my bathroom, It's the best product I have had! A.A NSW