These handmade bath salts are infused with rose essential oils and a sprinkle of dried rose petals. The mix of the salts will flush toxins, ease aches and pains and aid with migraines, while the lavender will relax you, help you sleep, manage stress and anxiety and give you healthy glow. Rose is associated with love, intuition, health and good luck... These come in glass jars of 300grams According to one Hindu legend, Brahma (the creator of the world) and Vishnu (the sustainer of the world) disagreed over whether the lotus was more beautiful than the rose. Vishnu supported the rose, while Brahma was in favour of the lotus. However, Brahma had never seen a rose before, and when he did he immediately admitted defeat. As a reward for convincing him of the rose’s beauty, Brahma created a bride for Vishnu out of rose petals. This bride was named Lakshmi, and she became the goddess of wealth, love, and prosperity, as well as the embodiment of physical beauty...

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